Toronto City Hall: an Instagram study in light

Back in January, when I spent a couple of days in Toronto, I wound up with a great view of Toronto City Hall and Nathan Phillips Square from my hotel room window. And as I came back to the room at different times of day and night, I took a series of pictures of the view from the hotel, creating a very simple study in light – and of the effects of an insufficient ventilation system and window insulation on the view.

Looking back through my photographs, very recently, I figured it would be nice to put them up together online. So here they are.

All these pictures were taken using one of my favorite apps,, on the iPhone 4, with the filters helping to highlight the mood of the different times of day and night. Enjoy.

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  1. Posted 06/03/2011 at 5:12 pm | Permalink

    Très chouette 🙂

  2. Posted 22/03/2011 at 7:43 pm | Permalink

    Je les avais vu passer au fur et à mesure d’un fil facebook, mais c’est vraiment bien de voir toutes ces photos rassemblées… Une version moderne de la cathédrale de Rouen de Monet? 🙂

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